Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Where Do You Think Being Narrow-Minded Will Get You?

By Richard Guzman

Network Marketers and home based businesses are using attraction marketing to generate a huge number of high quality leads. What is attraction marketing? Attraction marketing means your prospects come to you because they believe what you are offering is valuable. The traditional way of thinking is the network marketer is the pursuer. However, it is the exact opposite in attraction marketing....you do not chase anyone and it is free. Don't you think attraction marketing is a much more attractive way for network marketers to do business? The way I see it you won't be a nuisance and a nag to friends and family...and you won't be calling people who have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

In order for attraction marketing to be effective you have to set something up so you can be found on the internet. It is essential that you offer some type of value to your prospect. A few social networking sites people can find you are Squidoo, Hubpages, Digg, Stumble Upon, Twitter, Facebook and MySpace and they are all free. Another positive aspect of attraction marketing is once you have the attraction marketing business model working, the chances of prospects valuing what you have to say and really connecting with you is extremely high.

For example, if you offer your prospect a free product or basic information that doesn't involve a commitment and is worth a lot more than its cost, you are developing trust and that helps in the development of a solid relationship with that person. The possibility of them doing business or purchasing something from you in the future increases significantly.

If you think about it most business establish relationships in this manner. Network marketing should be treated the same way. That is exactly what attraction marketing promotes.

Attraction marketing opens the door to monetization. What is monetization? As you are generating prospects you are given the ability to create other streams of income. You can offer other information related to your primary networking opportunity.

Network Marketing will continue to go through major changes as more people learn how to effectively use attraction marketing. By getting in front of this trend people have built a huge list and at the same time have built a rock solid foundation for their business. People have been brainwashed into believing marketing is difficult. It is not! It's just a matter of learning how to do it. - 15246