Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Why People Aren't Buying Your Affiliate Products

By Stu McLaren

We've all had those questions in our business that either stop our train of thought or slow our level of productivity down. Ranging from product creation, affiliate marketing, teleseminars, financial matters, I know in my own business I've come upon hundreds of business questions that I wish I could know the answer to. So, in this article I am going to answer a question I've had about affiliate marketing.

Here is the question:

Through promoting an affiliate products I've been able to refer over 25 people through my link. The problem is, I'm not sure if I am doing something wrong because I haven't made any sales.

Here is the answer:

Conversions for any product will always depend on a variety of things such as the copy of the salesletter, the way the product is positioned as well as things like bonuses, guarantees and the call to action.

One thing to keep in mind is that it often takes more than 25 clicks to any product for it to start generating sales. You really have to consider the type of traffic that is being sent to your page, because that is what will ultimately determine the number of sales.

For example, if 40 cat lovers clicked through to a dog training website, the likelihood of any sales being made would be next to zero. That's why my biggest piece of advice for any affiliate would be to focus on the quality of the traffic you are sending.

Think about what the target market is for the product and make sure you are promoting to people within that market. Next, think about what would really get that market excited or interested and make sure you position the product so it does that.

* What are that market's biggest frustrations or challenges?

* What are their desires?

* Think about what your market wants? (ex. free time, more money, more influence etc.)

Answering these types of questions will really get you in the mind of the people you want to be promoting to. Assuming that you are promoting to people that are somewhat targeted for the type of product you are offering, answering these questions will help you position the product better. As a result the traffic that you send will be much more targeted.

When trying to see where you might be able to improve your promotion you have to keep in mind that it will take 100-200 clicks on each product before you can really gather enough information to find any problems. Once you have this many clicks it will then be easier to drill deep and figure out what could use improving and what might be working.

To begin though, you always want to start with the target market and make sure you are promoting to people who would be within that market. Next, focus on how you position the product to that targeted audience.

To get more of your affiliate marketing questions answered and more, check out

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