Sunday, October 5, 2008

How To Grow Businesses Using Articles

By Rob Metras

Being an entrepreneur is supposed to be fun! You come up with a unique concept, add capital funds, and strive for success. Of course there is an ingredient you need that you cannot directly control, and that ingredient is customers. Without clients your business will not grow. One way to gain respect from your market and gain clientele is through article writing.

It really does not matter what business you own, article writing can help you succeed. Thousands and even millions read local papers and market guides. Think of articles you write as advertisements. The articles you write become stories that attract people to your business. Articles you pen increase your name recognition and help your business gain a reputation for quality and customer service within the community.

Meeting with someone to help you figure out what you want your mark to be in your community and in your field is best when your about to have the world take a look at something you pride yourself on. An article about your business entails details of yourself. You become the brand of your product. Just think if there were two bakeries on the corner of your house and you wanted some bread; the one that has the cheaper prices is really rude, but the one that offers great customer service and help is a little more expensive. You would definitely go to the one thats a little more pricey to get treated the way you want to be treated. That's call branding your company.

Grow your reputation with articles. Get the people in which you want as customers to get an inside look at what your business is about and what your all about. Take the time to tell them that your a family man or woman, that you pride yourself on morals, and that treating people with respect and courtesy is the what your business is made of. Let them in to where they feel comfortable by seeing your face and business in the paper every week like an distant cousin.

Put the money into a web or paper-based marketing article and you can be able to get the benefits ten fold by exposing your company to the world. People want to hear about new business and ideas. The public craves for something different as well. Be creative with your concept and show your personality. By putting yourself on paper you are making it known that you have confidence in your company and that you are ready to let the world in!

If you are not quite sure how to begin or how best to spend your marketing dollars, then it is time to interview other business owners. Find out what strategies and tactics have worked in the past and try to duplicate their success. Formal market research can help determine what techniques are most likely to have an impact on your target customer base. Market research will produce new ideas for articles and help you gather statistics that show what costs and benefits to expect with various strategies. There is no need to guess or take a shot in the dark research can help you zero in on just the right strategies and tactics to impress the customers you seek. Research can help you accentuate the positives your target market values the most.

Assume you start out as a small \"mom and pop shop.\" Let's say the community knows who you are or at least knows a little about yout. It is great to be well known and respected in your local community, but let's say you desire to grow your current location or add new locations. In this scenario you have a solid customer base, but you need new customers to make your expansion a success. Of course TV commercials can help given your ability to afford them, but newspaper articles and postings on the Web can also highlight your business, its added value, and make new customers feel they know you. Leverage your customer base to speak for you and lend credibility to your claims of being a full service company.

Newspaper and Web articles can grow your business. Do not be left out by being the only local business NOT in the Sunday paper. Do not give your new potential customers over to your competition and leave your business hanging high and dry. Be a leader and and promote your business within the entire community. Be sure everyone knows you are open for business and happy to serve. Get your articles ready and let the profits role in. - 15246

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