Saturday, October 18, 2008

Common PPC Advertising Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

By Brian Basch

Pay per click allows you to target specific markets by their interests or where they live, making it a great advertising option. Results can be measured with statistics and spending controlled to suit. It's very much viable for small business owners who might be considering things like television, news print and radio.

Like anything else, PPC has disadvantages and shouldn't be entered into without doing your homework. Hundreds or even thousands of dollars worth of advertising could be wasted if you attempt a campaign that isn't planned and doesn't have a strategy. There is a lot of information offering guidance when deciding your PPC strategy, so it's a good idea to learn more about it.

Getting things off the ground is quite easy, provided you don't follow in the footsteps of others who have made these simple mistakes. The upside is that simple issues are easily fixed with pay per click, so if you do start out with a mistake you can turn it around very fast and start seeing results.

1. Using your home page as a landing page. It doesn't matter what search engine you're using as a base for your campaign. You get to decide where customers are directed when they click on an ad. It seems logical to direct customers to the home page - after all, it's your webpage's front door. However, this is a bad idea in the long run.

When people click on your ad , they are looking for a very specific thing that you've been advertising. Landing pages can be specific to ads, so that the person is taken directly to what it is you are advertising. This way, the customer gets exactly what they are looking for. Landing pages should be focused on keywords or phrases used in the advertisement and don't clutter it up with other links or distractions.

Mistake 2. Landing pages that are confusing lose sales. Your PPC campaign will work by giving a customer an ad targeted to their keyword. The landing page they then arrive at should be related to that keyword, so don't give the customer an excuse to back out. Make it easy for them to find what they are looking for. You should have multiple landing pages if you are promoting multiple items with keywords or phrases.

3. Using generic copy for your ads. Statements that work in other media formats probably won't transfer to PPC. Catch phrases like "quality service" just aren't part of the vocabulary when people are using search engines. Use a main keyword in a headline that creates interest, then tell them the benefits. Line three is perfect for special features or a discount offer. Take a look at what other advertisers are doing online.

4. Low bid placement. All search engines use their own methods for determining where to put your ad. Yahoo and Google use a combination of the relevancy of your ad, and your bid price. One big mistake that many people make is not tightly targeting keywords enough to get top placement. As much as eighty-five percent of all PPC clicks happen on ads in one of the top three positions. If you can't focus your ads tightly enough to get that top spot, you're missing out on a lot of traffic. - 15246

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