Wednesday, December 17, 2008

South Carolina Craft Shows: Your Hobby, Your Business

By Alix Montoya

The first steps on establishing a business often has very high risks. If you're planning to make a small business from your arts and crafts hobby, you should take those first steps very carefully. In the world of crafting fairs and festivals, these steps can easily make or break you. So here are a few steps to make sure your business doesn't become a casualty of itself.

The biggest market available for arts and crafts products would be trade shows and there are plenty of those in South Carolina. You're going to want to start out on small scales first and then move your way up. You should always check local community fairs and make sure that you don't miss one of them. This is a great opportunity for you to explore the market.

These trade shows are a great way to gain popularity for your products as well. If you give enough emphasis on the quality of your products, you can also walk in local gift shops and ask them to carry your handiwork. This is a good way to broaden your market and reach a lot more people and basically keeps you on top of the crafting business in your town.

You can also try distributing some samples to your friends, your co-workers, or your family. You'd be surprised at how much publicity this could give you and your business especially if you're really coming up with quality products.

If you have enough money, you can try to get yourself advertised in local newspapers or magazines. Leave your contact number, the kinds of gift items you make, and the specialty gift shops which carry them.

If magazines aren't your thing, you can try opening a website for yourself. Your website is your shop on the Internet so you have to leave enough information there for prospective customers. Be sure to leave your contact numbers or e-mail, and other information about your product that answers what you think you're customer might ask.

Another great way is to join online mailing lists, like Yahoo! Groups, which distribute e-mails, announcements and advertisements about almost everything under the sun.

I can't stress enough that in these kinds of business, you need to start out small. Investing a big amount of money early on can bite you on your back. The most important thing you need to remember is to gather all information you can first about the market and the competition because this could save you a lot of time, effort and money. - 15246

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