Thursday, December 18, 2008

Is Cash Gifting Just A Manifistation Of The Abundant Mindset??

By Mentor Sam

Many people believe that cash money is wealth..let's explore this theory

It was once said by a very wealthy man, "Wealth is the using of one's gift's and talents". When this action is in practice cash money will follow you like a servant his master. Under this mindset "money" is the servant of him who is the servant of his fellow man.

Let's really define what we mean by wealth. First of all, wealth is not money. Wealth is having the things, the relationships and the lifestyle we want and that makes us happy. That is what true wealth really is. Money is freedom, which is a component of wealth because money allows us to make possible the things, relationships and lifestyle that we want in our lives, but money in and of itself is not wealth at all.

So now we have a proper understanding of wealth and money let's look even further into the mind of those who have an abundance of wealth,money and relationships. We can break money down into a few sections like friendships, information, wisdom, self disiplend and love.

The wealthy also believe there are no shortages in life only a lack of consciousness within people that causes a lack of wealth. They believe if there cash flow begins to slow down they become conscious of new ideas and information to increase their funds immediately.

The next thing cash generating people do is begin to create ideas and thoughts to begin working on.Creative forces are the driving force of abundance because once you begin to use your creative mind to manifest, you step out of your paradigm of "what do I need" and instead shift your thinking towards "What do I want" ,Where do I want to go?"

When you start to activate your creativity, you have to always ask yourself the questions, "How can I make this possible?" or "How can I make this better?" or most importantly, "What do I really want?" Once you find the answers to these questions, you begin to access the unlimited power of your creative mind to begin to make those things, people and places into you life.

I know this may sound like alot of mystical talk but the things we think about the most are the things we instantly become. Think about this article and even read it again to really get it into your mind to begin thinking about it so you can become it. I believe you are wealthy beyond your wildest dreams and I'm here to help you realize that powerful fact...NOW! - 15246

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