Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Give Before You Take with Cash Gifting

By Ryan Biddulph

Cash gifting programs are increasingly becoming popular as an alternative source of employment. The fact that people can make money from home through these programs makes these programs explains their widespread acceptance. A small cash gift goes a long way to generate a continuous flow of income. It is steadily changing the lives of people who have the spirit and enthusiasm and want to do something to transform their lives. The transformations that these programs have brought about are powerful and inspiring. You might have come across some of these people in your day to day life.

Until recently, cash gifting was all about spending hundreds of dollars on marketing and advertising, and hours of talking over the phone trying to convince complete strangers. More often than not, members had to make telemarketing/cold calls and spend hours explaining the benefits of these programs. As this industry is flourishing in leaps and bounds, the use of sophisticated technology is making life easier for the members of the cash gifting programs.

Magnetic cash gifting is one such program which has been around for quite some time now. Recently the addition of Team Maverick in the program has taken Magnetic Cash Gifting to new heights. They have introduced automated success strategies that have made cash gifting an easy way to make money from home. They have abolished the following aspects that were present in earlier versions of these cash gifting programs:

? Cold calling ? Explaining or answering questions ? Pestering family & friends ? Qualifying or interviewing people ? Training of down lines ? Websites to build ? Follow up with prospects ? Convincing prospects to enroll ? Mailing marketing materials ? "Hidden" fees or expenses

Magnetic cash gifting utilizes a fully automated internet-based program with a tested and patented tracking system. State of the art marketing materials are used to make life easier for members ? so that they can concentrate their energy on more productive activities. In terms of training, a complete support structure has been provided for new members. Members can request an experienced team leader to call their prospects back by utilizing their callback feature. These team leaders attempt to satisfactorily answer all questions of the prospective clients. These prospective clients may also get answers to most of their questions from videos provided on the website. Yet another distinctive feature of the magnetic cash gifting program is that of ongoing training provided by select team leads, during which the members are taught the latest marketing theories.

Name any kind of support you need for your cash gifting business, and magnetic cash gifting would be happy to provide it ? for free. The other special features of Magnetic Cash gifting program are automated tracking system, email support, access to the ever growing network, a multimedia library and training center, weekly workshop conference calls to discuss personal improvement and best practice sharing. They also help you with the installation of a custom made website and provide 24/7 technical support for it. Their Voice Broadcast Auto Dialer System can deliver messages to 5,000 answering machines in 5 minutes. They even provide effective marketing materials and marketing software/tools to advertise for free. If you find this hard to believe, check out to find out the truth for yourself. - 15246

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