Thursday, December 25, 2008

Extra Money Income - Part Time or Full Time

By Daton Caedea

If you think that just wishing for something to won't! You're better off with the lottery. It's not difficult, just tell yourself that your mind is made up and make that crucial first move. I was in a state of inertia for about xx years! See, I'm to ashamed to admit it. Scary or what!

I remember when I was a teenager and it seemed like I had all my life to waste. I was pretty good at it too. Chase the girls and out with the lads. Okay, it's good to party at that age but somewhere we have to start growing up. I can talk, when in my late 30's I was still behaving like a juvenile! Blimey!

Should you find yourself in a crazy surreal scene where money (lots of it) has been thrust upon you - you will either wake up or be in some stage play. Knowing me, I would wake up before the money anyway. No, the only way is the me way, do it yourself.

Because doing it yourself not only exercises the grey matter but makes sufficiently edept to make even more money and...hang on to it and make it multiply again. Does this sound good?

It gets even better when you don't have to bundle up like Nanook and step into that wintry blast to mush your way to the coalface! Alternatively you could be running your life your way by running your own tidy enterprise. Just look out the window and observe 'the damned' hacking their way to work.

That's right, doing something that suits you as an individual. You are good at it because you enjoy doing it. You find it no problem whatsoever and it pays you a tidy income. You don't groan with pain when the time comes to attend to it.

It's YOUR creation, your baby, and nobody else's. Because of this you don't have to force yourself into doing it. It's more of a case of "get out of my way, here I come!"

So, don't get cocky...oh why not then. Nothing wrong with self esteem and it can only lead to better things. It has been my observation over the years that self confidence can be wrongly confused with arrogance.

The trick is, (I suppose) is to balance it and stay consistent. Folk in general will always want to associate with friendly succesful individuals who don't abuse or upset the status quo.

Maybe, that's what is meant by having an "aura". Given the choice, methinks this is the path to take as the alternative doesn't bear thinking about.

So, before I get too carried away, we are having this chat to work out the possibilities of a HOME BASED BUSINESS. You know, the one that you don't have to commute to every morning, in the winter, in the dark, with thousands of others to that coalface!

When we are stuck for ideas for consideration a lot of us turn to the web where there is of course an abundance. You could spend weeks/months trawling and still not have an answer,...but, you would be a lot closer, whether you knew it or not!

The net is such a powerful place to be and it is accelerating by the minute. I find that very exciting. Bye for now, see you next time. - 15246

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