Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Finding The Best Web Designer

By Stephen Grisham, Sr.

Arts and talents change as technology advances; especially in a field such as web design. Ever since the web 2.0 has really kicked in, finding a web designer who knows all of the latest web skills and knowledge of javascript is key to your success. Locating the perfect mixture of a creative and artistic designer with all of the scripting knowledge in most areas is by far the best choice.

Web designing is often not updated in smaller businesses as it is difficult to manage. Creating anything on the web is a difficult task unless you understand the many different languages that computers dish out. After you decide you need to add or update your website; plan ahead. Start with the face of the company, the real image. Web designing is a craft just like engineering - plans are essential, followed by the craftsmanship to put it all together.

Figuring out if you will need a database is the first step. A website with just videos, audio, text, and pictures has no need for a database. If you plan to sell from your website then you will be in need of a programmer to set this up. Take the time to look at other websites and keep note of what you like this way your designer has an idea of what he is getting into. It saves him time and you money as they run on hourly wages.

After you have a good idea of what you would like to see on your website, it's time to start looking for a web designer. The Internet is the best place to look of course. There are numerous people already advertising their services, or you can place a free classifieds ad to request applications and portfolio links. You should also have a budget range prepared.

The essential elements of a good web designer are personality, reputation, creativity, and past work. Reputation is great to rely on as not all web designers have a degree. For example, students in the field of web designing are often freelancing and are more up to date on the new programs compared to those who have been in the field for years. This allows them to customize the websites more to your liking.

Acronym soup. Okay, now the tough part...what about all that jargon. Luckily you don't have to know much about it. A professional web designer will have at least the following skills: Image editing, CSS3, XHTML, and possible javascript or knowledge of a javascript library such as jquery. You will need javascript if you would like moving parts. You will need to hire someone with Flash skills, possibly actionscript too, if you are planning on having a movie or interactive graphics and sounds.

Be wary of web designers who have an extensive portfolio of sites that all look the same, such as websites made fully in flash. These web designers are often using templates. You can purchase templates yourself, usually for a lot less than hiring a designer if you have the software or knowledge to edit these templates. However, templates are often avoided because they are frequently unoriginal.

If you plan on updating your site a lot and are unfamiliar with HTML, it is best to get a content management system. CMS's are available in simple blog sites and professional areas like Drupal. When choosing a brander CMS - make sure that your designer is a good skinner and can put newer images onto your software.

Once you choose your designer you will need to make some mock ups. These are merely images that show the website in its finality. Examine these very closely as they are what your final product will look like. This is why planning is the most important part as they are what gets the project underway. With the mock ups agreed on the web designer merely puts them into XHTML and CSS and turns the pictures into your own site. Consider all the benefits of a quality web site and finding a web designer - the right web designer. - 15246

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