Thursday, January 22, 2009

Supply Chain Management strategies that can beat your rivals

By Larry Emsweller

"You can't beat your rivals by [following] the old rules." At least that is how retired GE CEO, Jack Welch feels. Yet, you can beat them by using new and successful supply chain management strategies. The problem is that many rely on what they know, and the simple fact is, the old rules don't work anymore. New Supply Chain Management strategies are available and in order to survive you must implement them.

Distribution Master Scheduling (DMS) software is the major component in the new rules.

The software system that understands the process is Distribution Master Scheduling (DMS). It is key to coordinating the time and management of events. It understands the production schedule, which orders are due, and where inventory is located. It lets you know:

1. Determine where every order should be shipped from. It establishes dock schedules to minimize handling. For example, schedule shipments when product is being made on the line and can be put directly into a truck or when it can be cross-docked

2. One of the advantages of the software is the ability to tell you where the product should be placed as it comes off the line - either in the plant or in one of the outside warehouses. Most WMS systems only tell you where the product should be stored in the plant.

3. By offering a proactive approach and anticipating potential stock-outs or other failures, this software will provide remedial action.

4. Save time on pallet handling.

One of the major advantages of using the DMS system is the ability to maximize efficiencies. For example, AutoScheduler is a new and sophisticated system from Transportation l Warehouse Optimization []that can manage all of the data and create optimized distribution schedules. Procter & Gamble, in its largest operations around the world, uses this system maximizing supply chain management strategies.

This rule-based optimizer has been effective in reducing supply chain management effort and costs while increasing customer service. One P & G site reported a 33% reduction in WMS transactions after installing AutoScheduler.

Beating your rivals requires new rules and the introduction of Distribution Master Scheduling software.

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