Friday, January 30, 2009

How To Write Ads

By John Anghelache

The late, Gary C. Halbert, is my favorite copywriting mentor. Not only was he ultra-successful but he could teach the art and science of crafting ad copy like nobody's business.

One of the things I learned from Gary is the importance of making things easy on yourself. For example, let's say you want to write an ebook on losing weight.

What should you do?

Well, maybe you can study horse racing. Maybe you can spend years around the best horse trainers to find out what their secrets are. Maybe you can get in with the inner circle of horse racing. But is all of that time, work and stress necessary? Not at all. There is a much more hassle-free method to getting everything you need to know about horse racing.

Rather than doing things the old school way, Gary might tell you to go out and get the best sellers on health and fitness. Take all these books and start reading them. As you do so, write down notes in a notebook. Make sure to extract all the really juicy stuff readers would be hot read about.

Take your notes and write that report on horse racing. And this report will contain the best of the best tips, secrets and tricks that you took out of the books and reports you read. The final result is a valuable report packed with great information horse racing fans will love.


Gary also taught that you should do the same thing when writing ads. Especially if you're in a hurry and need to bang out an ad... website letter... or whatever fast.

What we're talking about here is referred to as swiping in advertising circles. The process simplifies everything for the ad writer. Halbert was big on swiping. He taught it during a copywriting seminar in the mid 1990's. Almost the entire even was about the process of how to swipe to create your own profitable ads.

Look, if you don't want to become a top notch copywriter and don't have time to learn all the formulas, etc. then swiping is the way to go. All you have do is learn how to do it right.

When you do, here's what'll happen as a result...

** You'll eliminate writer's block forever. Because now youll access a starting point for your ads. You wont be guessing at what to write. The swipes reveal exactly what to write in your ads to make them effective and responsive.

** Ad writing will be much faster. All you do is model your ad after the swipe. Therefore, the guessing element is taken out of the equation. It's like using a proven template to write your ads.

** Your copy will be up to 300% more effective. Whenever you model success the odds of success are on your side. When modeling a successful ad you stand a much better chance of writing a winner.

So the idea is to build a swipe file and use it when creating ads. - 15246

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