Friday, November 21, 2008

The Saturated Internet - Why It Is Important to Plan Your Website

By Stephen Grisham, Sr.

Anyone can create a website these days. Someone with just a small idea in their brain, can look towards the world wide web as an avenue to make a personal website and vent whatever is on their mind. With all the free web hosting sites available, why not have strongly held opinions out for the world to see. Typing in "my homepage" into a search engine will yield over 7 million pages complete with animated GIFs to view. Most of these sites will rarely get more than a hundred hits in their lifetime.

What they fail to realize is the pure stagnation of their material. It is obvious they are not writers and most are written in very informal formats. Many times it looks like a conversation amongst friends as opposed to a well thought out, written book. However, is this wrong?

Yes. With their extremely overused templates and WYSISYG HTML editor ready to go, they contrive a plan to make a personal website. Many used and abused templates have a subliminal reflex to close the window in a blink of an eye.

Businesses creating a page that serves the whooping purpose of absolutely nothing. They have the resources but not the point. They have no idea what they're doing there, and just want a piece of the cake. Shilling of their products to those stumbling by who would never be interested.

However, some actually do have great ideas, but do not have the resources build. In such a large information gathering and driven age, web design can be a difficult task. With a few design flaws, a site can be very user unfriendly. Many create webpages that are difficult to navigate and put together color schemes that are hard on the eyes. To overcome this, they tend to make the site flashier where simplicity was probably the answer.

Although someone may have the best idea in the world, chances are they missed the boat and are jumping into a cesspool of people who had the same idea and already created their site. They will put together what they deem as a masterpiece and are never heard or seen again. Most fail at the planning stage. It is important to always look at the next step and not to give up on the site. This is precisely what most do not do and are left with a failed project. Barriers of entry for creating webpages would benefit all, because they would prohibit people who are not truly ready.

A lot of people do not realize the hardwork involved in creating a good webpage. There is writing, coding, testing, drawing attention to the site, and most important, a good concept. In addition, there must be will power to see the project through to the end. Good website creation may take a year before seeing any type of measurable results and many fail prior to this.

They begin to create the site, give up and are left with random pictures of their pet, a few voiced opinions, or a service that will never be utilized. If the proper conditions and planning are not there to create a good website, people should not try in the first place. - 15246

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