Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Politics and Finance in the Unites States this week (March 20, 2009)

By Wade Henderson

Wow, what a week. There was a lot to talk about this week.

We saw the AIG Bonuses to their executives be granted as legal and the taken back with a 90% tax rate, new guidelines being drafted for new bailout recipients to prevent a repeat of the excessive bonuses. Then small and medium sized businesses are being granted additional funding and the visit to Detroit led to the US Government getting into the Accounts Receivable Factoring business.

I have to say, and I am not alone in this statement, I am very impressed by President Obama, not just this week, but his term thus far has been very impressive.

Is it just me or has Mr. Obama done more since he has been in office that than the prior president did for the economy in his entire term? Maybe I am wrong here, but it sure looks like he has. The best is yet to come I am sure since all these things are just getting started and final result can not do anything but help our economy.

Most people are very pleased with how the AIG issues are being dealt with (except for the AIG Execs I am sure), but the Presidents sense of fairness and strength seems to be boundless.

In regards to the additional funding for small and medium sized business, this has been a long time coming. I must say it is not a surprise to see this developing but most people in the Commercial Finance Industry are very pleased to see it. The economy need stimulation and the best place to do this is not with the major corporations but rather the small to medium sized companies as these are the employers of most people in North America.

Now the Factoring thing did surprise me. I never even considered the thought that President Obama would want to get into the Accounts Receivable Factoring Industry, but since they are in every other type of lending I guess it is not a stretch. What very well may come of this is the stigma sometimes associated with Factoring may disappear. It has sometime been referred to as a less than preferable type of financing, but since it is good enough for the President of the United States, it should be good for everyone else now too. Not everyone will be able to get in on the government assistance and those that can not still can factor. Be sure to talk to a Professional Commercial Finance Broker as not all funding sources are right for everyone. It is a very specialized type of financing and it will not normally cost you anything for the services of a Commercial Finance Broker as they are paid by the lender, and it is in the Brokers best interest to get you with the proper lender so that they can get referrals from you.

Can not wait to see what happens next week - 15246

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