Sunday, March 22, 2009

Becoming A Contractor Has Its Advantages

By Scott Collinsworth

Despite what you may have heard, a career as a self-employed contractor can be quite rewarding. If you already know a trade and have the personality required to run a business then you should give the idea serious consideration. If you're on the fence, take a look at the following excellent reasons to become a professional contractor.

1. When you own a contracting business you can make a lot more money than many people realize. There really is no ceiling to your potential earnings as long as you're willing to work hard and expand the business when justified. Compare this to a traditional job where your salary will never break through predetermined levels, even if you're the most sensational employee with the company.

2. Professional contractors call the shots when it comes to making their own hours. If you need to take a sick day or cut out from work a few hours early you have only yourself to answer to. In contrast, we've all been through that situation where a work superior is reluctant to be flexible with scheduling or time off.

3. You'll get the opportunity to improve your body strength and general health. One of the downsides of a typical desk job is that it requires you to sit almost motionless for eight hours a day, which leads to weight gain and loss of muscle strength. This usually isn't a problem for contractors, though, because they spend the majority of each working day performing physical labor.

4. Contractors can legitimately claim that they are creating something of value. You can build a deck or remodel a bathroom and walk away with the satisfaction that it will provide a family with a tangible and meaningful upgrade to their home. Many jobs these days don't offer that same level of pride in offering something real and truly helpful to consumers.

5. You can talk back to a verbally abusive customer without fear of losing employment. If in the course your business you cross paths with an unsavory character you have the ability to stand up for yourself because there's no boss to answer to. This is in stark contrast to a typical job where you have to hold your tongue, regardless of how much of a jerk the customer is.

6. You'll someday have the thrill of handing the business off to your sons and daughters. There's no satisfaction like that derived from leaving behind a thriving enterprise for your offspring to own and control. Obviously, a regular job simply doesn't allow for this kind of opportunity.

There you have it - six good reasons for becoming a contractor. Perhaps now is the time to stop complaining about your boring day job and start building your own business. I promise you that it will enrich your life in more ways than one. - 15246

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